Let's see....I am hunting for a bishounen =D The perfect Bishounen for me!I want one!XDD Eheheehehe....man..that's so........=______= desperate! TT_____TT I love gackt!
The one who posts these randomness!
Friday, April 25, 2008
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Pokoknya/In conclusion: I miss everything!
Thank you General B Maths for the missing thingy..I got it from you ;D
beautifully written by Shafs G.Camui at 8:20 AM 1 brilliant thoughts
Labels: Old socks
Ok Im done here.Yup,just typing out my feelings.
"I only want to hear your thoughts,your own words.Not them."
Friday, April 18, 2008
Let this Pain end
Im currently sick today & yesterday(geez)I was so frustrated last night..I had a headache and slept a little early but I got woken up by my stuuuuuuuuupid fluuuuu at dawn!X( ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Bad mood all the waaaay!Cant sleep,cant lie down!!=_____= I felt so weak,my head was so heavy..So in the end I played PS2 ahahahaha!Am I weird or not?I mean..I had a headache but I still play PS2.It was only because I cant sleep but I didnt play long..I just walk here and there and didnt fight ahahahaahaha!Dont wanna fight the boss yeeet~WAIT FOR ME VAN!!!BWAAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA!
Anywayyss My Beloved General Boxers Knight PG Maths booked me..yup,she did..for writing lyrics..I dunno..I guess Im poetic(HARHAR!)
Hmm..what else?Oh oh I played my fav online game XDD Leveled up(YAY!)I wanna be expert~Nyaaaaaa..but it would be difficult cuz most of the time the server is full..=_____= *sigh*
"So long I have waited but when it happened I wasn't there."
I guess that's all for today.. Bye-Bye ^^
beautifully written by Shafs G.Camui at 1:31 PM 0 brilliant thoughts
Labels: sick
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Welcome Home Adik & Abang! =D
beautifully written by Shafs G.Camui at 5:06 PM 0 brilliant thoughts
Thanks Everyone
First of all,I want to thank you my friends for their concerns and care.I really appreciate it..^^ Im sorry for ignoring you guys..I wasnt in the mood to talk..I was so depressed..I dont usually have this thing..crying a lot..nyaa~My eyes still hurts..=_____= I guess I really really cried a lot..But I guess Im fine now...a bit..Well I did laugh a lot because of my fellow mates =D Sankyuu~ I love you all..^///^
Etto,thanks to my friends especially:
Juin -First noticed me even if we're not close.
Zilah - For asking over and over again even if we're not close.
Liyana - For the list of problems for me to say yes or no.
Rinah - For helping me a lot.
Haji Wardah - For trying to make me laugh.
Qistina - For being her..uhh I guess she was worried too.(Sorry..)
Liesah- For being concern too..
General Boxers Maths - Yup yup she's also worried..
PABra Balqis - Just this..I LOVE YOU!and Im serious ^^
Neko-Chan - For the hug(I really needed that)
and all who was worried..
and uhh Sir Fazli..=_____= Thanks Sir..
and the teacher who helped me (^///^)
Im sorry for my ignorance...
So the days went well after few..a lot of cries..
beautifully written by Shafs G.Camui at 4:31 PM 0 brilliant thoughts
Monday, April 14, 2008
Im bored again.
Hmm I went 'Nick War' with my two friends earlier.Actually it all started when I changed my nick saying"Hey Dirah,how you doin'?*winkwink*" well I didnt really said that..hahahahaha!Anywayssss my fellow mate General Maths butted in by changing her nick into"Hey,how dare you not ask General Maths's doing!" and I went "Eh!Why are butting in ah?" and Dirah just said"Im fine,you?and uh how are you doing General Maths? XDD"(sorta like that) and it went on and on until General Maths claimed GACKT!ZOMGACKT!NOOOOO WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!
So we changed our nicks numerous times until I said "Bastard old grandma!Gackt is my boyfriend" in Japanese and then General Maths changed her nick into "White flag" ZHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHA!VICTORIOUS!But I was a little too mean saying that to her..I was frustrated so yeah....=______=
So the war ended in about 5 sumthing and peace has been restored.YEAY!Im gonna apologize to her later anyway...sorry Maths..you know I love you *pouts* ;D
If I could..I would express everything here but alas,I cant because it's a bit too personal(Like I havent said anything personal like Bra for instance =D)
beautifully written by Shafs G.Camui at 5:54 PM 1 brilliant thoughts
Labels: bored, bra and boxers add it all up and you get craziness, GACKT, gay men, pervert, war
Shocking Kiss
Well if you read the title you'd think of either I kissed someone or I got kissed...=______= I got kissed..................ZOMGACKT!It was so sudden!NYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!DONT COME NEAR ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!TT______________________TT
Ok ok thats too dramatic...well you see..actually I got kissed on the cheek(nearly)YAY!!!!!By my friend,Neko-chan =______= seriously.....she kisses everyone..I mean well her friends of course...I was so friggin surprise that I fell to the floor!ZOMGACKT!What power....+_____+ Please dont surprise me like that!X( Now everytime Im close to her,I cover my face....(Why am I acting as if she is a guy?NYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!)
I really dont know what my problem is....it's just Neko-chan..................................................Argh!I really dont know....Im so gonna suffer at school now that they know...Neko is totally gonna tease me >///< nyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...Before this she teased me bout that guy..peh!
What kind of symptom is this?IT IS SO FRIGGINN WEIRD MAN!!!I want to act normal with Neko-chan as always but....UWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!X'(
Umm... Doctor Gackt.. please cure me ^///^ I love you Gackt..zutto..
beautifully written by Shafs G.Camui at 3:27 PM 0 brilliant thoughts
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Welcome Home
Happiness?Maybe....I mean grandma can control my fellow cousins~Nyaaaaaaaaaaaaaahoooo!!XDD
I missed you so so much my dearest grandmama XDD I love youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!
beautifully written by Shafs G.Camui at 7:05 PM 1 brilliant thoughts
The ill internet connection
- Cute
- Tall
- Good English
- Nice
- Doesnt curse that much
- Open minded(Doesnt care if I like Gay men =DDDDD)
- OF COURSE NOT forcing me
- A bit well mannered
- Stylish
- Geek hahahaha!Geeks usually has good grades ^o^V So in other words, intelligent!
- Not fooling around(I kick your crotch ADALAH!)
- Remembers my name =____=
- Hopefully has same interest as I am
- Can cook
- Knows martial arts
- Understanding
- Doesnt smoke and do drugs
- Not a hentai maniac FREAK!Who likes to sleep with anyone!(Ahahahaha..............................)
Ok thats enough I MEAN WHAT MAN IS THIS PERFECT?Ahhh robot..like Night Tenjo eh?Necoco?=_____= I want one!HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!Desperate much?It's not as if Im gonna find a husband at this age and those are the qualifications?I might just add I just want one child!NYAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHA!Please be reminded that I wont mind if you're missing some points or two HAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHA!Joking~
I guess that all..
"I began to realize that such feelings is a mere illusion."
Shafs G.Camui
beautifully written by Shafs G.Camui at 6:08 PM 0 brilliant thoughts
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Yesterday & Today
Hmm..I remembered I went to Giant..What else? ~___~ The place was okaaaaaaaaaaaaaay..There's food court,playground(ehehe I wanna play eh XDD),Black Queen ka?It has this collection for girls..I wanted to buy something from there but ya noe Im not filthy rich Im just cleanly broke =DD (Could I be more insane?) The answer is OF COURSE I CAN!!!Ahhhh~The ice cream there is sorta cheap..My ice cream leaked like a pipe when I ate it hahahahaha WET PANTS!Gahahahaahahahaha!=_____= Im not a guy....BWAHAHAHAAHAHA!Ehem Ehem enough of that stupid joke....Im sorry to every men who lives in this Beautiful Earth GOMENASAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!To the west,gomenasai!To the East,gomenasai!To the South,Gomenasai!To the north,Gomenasai!To the NorthWest,Gomenasai!!!!=______= Umm Sorry I love you.AHAHAHAAHAHAHAHA!
Dear ant,
I have long to kill you,no blood can be seen,no traces of death.It should be so easy for me yet you are somehow useful to me.I used you but yet you still come to me...I do not understand...I do not understand at all...why the heck Am I talking bout ants?
Dear Gackt,
I Love You.You are my source of inspiration.Deep inside my heart your voice echoed,you touched my fragile,unstable feelings so easily.So soothing,so beautiful,so sad...These weird emotions as if I began to like you again once more and as if the feeling when I start to like someone...AAHAHAHAHAHAHA!Gackt,I love you Bahh!Byll said you...are her husba*d!NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!I refuse to believe such statement!Well you know,some of my friends claimed that you're their boyfriend,fionce,"masteress",mattress etc etc etc But ya noee..I just said like, NO WAY MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN!O______o +_____________+ Kill all oppositions!!!!BWAHAHAAHAHAHAHA!You better hide under the table in case of sudden Shaf earthquake especially you! Yes YOU!Byll and Tina ;D Smooches Baby!
Yeah yeah I made some weird statements cuz I cant remember much bout yesterday =____=
Ok,today..The most important thing is I accidently brought the book from the reading room to my class,I didnt even notice because I was carrying two heavy files TT____TT I got help from Neko-chan and Kurai to accompany me to the staff room Sankyuu ne~^^
Lets see ...I had computer extra class for inforama thingy..It was fun somehow..Animation project..I made a circle move Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~XDD(Idiotically excited)
Nothing,Nothing & Nothing.
Fell asleep,woken up by disturbances from Marionette(Seriously =_____=)And well,used the laptop...The MAIN reason why I slept was because the damn internet didnt work!IT TRICKED MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!It said connection excellent but when I tried to go online..It was like it was saying DUDE I TRICKED YA!Connection doesnt work..Nyanyanya :p and I went ZOMGACKT!!!O____________o NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!I cant go online! TT_____TT Pure sadness I tell you!So..to calm myself, I sleep ^^(Please ignore the fact that this paragraph is blue in colour ^^)
"Slept away my troubles and worries but still,when my dream ends the first thing I thought about is you."
Yes,yes I know that Im undercore like Maths said whateverlah Mathssssssssssssss~I dun care buhuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu~Gwahahahaaha!
My life is officially ruined until this freakin mark GOES OFF!!
I hate you Marionette!CURSE YOU! TT____TT evil being who commented that this is lame....................................................................................HATE!*Punches*
beautifully written by Shafs G.Camui at 9:02 PM 3 brilliant thoughts
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
beautifully written by Shafs G.Camui at 10:41 PM 0 brilliant thoughts
Late post of the day BORING!
Harloooo~I am Inga the Swedish masseuse..First we massage the lips..Ok ok Im not Inga and Im not a masseuse!aaaand I dont massage lips gahahaahahaha!
Todayyy..I went home early,I had a bad tummy ache(Awwww..)I wasnt lying or faking it sheeesh!So I went home early because part of me didnt want to see the Geography teacher hahaaha!
Before we went home,the car was shaking!OMGACKT!What should I doooooooooooooooooooo?My dad and I had to go to the mechanic shop.Daddy had to pay $50 for fixin the car =__________= more money flies away from meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~Gackt!Save meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
Went home and do nothing except for taking care of My Beloved cousin,Adib,went to the bathroom,eat and went to bed.Only to find myself to be woken by the heat of the day!I got pretty much pissed!After I went downstairs I found out that the power was out(HOW GREAT!)Soooooo I spend my time in the living room and do nothing again.
Seeeeeeeeeee?It's a big BORING
beautifully written by Shafs G.Camui at 9:48 PM 0 brilliant thoughts
Monday, April 7, 2008
Not So Spiffy Day
beautifully written by Shafs G.Camui at 7:54 PM 2 brilliant thoughts
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Grandparents off to KL & Guy at Hua Ho!!!XDD
Balqis,Wardah,Tina,Rin,Pg.Maths,Dirah H.S,Timz & Mizah
Btw,where is he?TT________________TT Thanks for accompanying me Dirah Kisssu~
beautifully written by Shafs G.Camui at 9:54 PM 0 brilliant thoughts
Labels: Hua Ho and HL milk hahaha, Marionette
Nothing interesting happens YET
Im bored~
Im done!
beautifully written by Shafs G.Camui at 1:40 PM 0 brilliant thoughts
Labels: Annoyed but yet Happy ME
Saturday, April 5, 2008
The boredom conclusion
beautifully written by Shafs G.Camui at 9:56 PM 0 brilliant thoughts
Labels: Me and Shafs(Me)
Look!I need to eat medicine!
Cure me?
beautifully written by Shafs G.Camui at 9:34 PM 0 brilliant thoughts
Labels: head hurts
Come and save me my Prince Charming without the armour!XDD
beautifully written by Shafs G.Camui at 8:34 PM 0 brilliant thoughts
School Sport Practice Day which I Don't Participate In!HAHAHA!XDD
beautifully written by Shafs G.Camui at 5:02 PM 0 brilliant thoughts
Friday, April 4, 2008
My first post is this:
I sincerely love Gackt!
I am actually not really a narcisst~Hahaha!XDD
But sometimes I can be a narcisst..haha XP
Hmm what else should I write?
Oh!Oh! About today!,I mean tonight...=____=..
Blablabla I love the scent of chocolate without the ants of course!
Random sentence of the day,night,WHATEVER!(YAY FOR CAPSLOCK!=DDD)
beautifully written by Shafs G.Camui at 11:33 PM 0 brilliant thoughts

The Gazette

Because they're cooler than you.