The one who posts these randomness!

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I am a masochist.I am also narcisstic. I love Gackt.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Shocking Kiss

Well if you read the title you'd think of either I kissed someone or I got kissed...=______= I got kissed..................ZOMGACKT!It was so sudden!NYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!DONT COME NEAR ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!TT______________________TT

Ok ok thats too dramatic...well you see..actually I got kissed on the cheek(nearly)YAY!!!!!By my friend,Neko-chan =______= seriously.....she kisses everyone..I mean well her friends of course...I was so friggin surprise that I fell to the floor!ZOMGACKT!What power....+_____+ Please dont surprise me like that!X( Now everytime Im close to her,I cover my face....(Why am I acting as if she is a guy?NYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!)

I really dont know what my problem's just Neko-chan..................................................Argh!I really dont know....Im so gonna suffer at school now that they know...Neko is totally gonna tease me >///< nyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...Before this she teased me bout that guy..peh!

What kind of symptom is this?IT IS SO FRIGGINN WEIRD MAN!!!I want to act normal with Neko-chan as always but....UWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!X'(

Umm... Doctor Gackt.. please cure me ^///^ I love you Gackt..zutto..

"These days doesn't seem right anymore.Am I longing for nothing?"
Shaf G.Camui

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