The one who posts these randomness!

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I am a masochist.I am also narcisstic. I love Gackt.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Late post of the day BORING!

Harloooo~I am Inga the Swedish masseuse..First we massage the lips..Ok ok Im not Inga and Im not a masseuse!aaaand I dont massage lips gahahaahahaha!

Todayyy..I went home early,I had a bad tummy ache(Awwww..)I wasnt lying or faking it sheeesh!So I went home early because part of me didnt want to see the Geography teacher hahaaha!

Before we went home,the car was shaking!OMGACKT!What should I doooooooooooooooooooo?My dad and I had to go to the mechanic shop.Daddy had to pay $50 for fixin the car =__________= more money flies away from meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~Gackt!Save meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

Went home and do nothing except for taking care of My Beloved cousin,Adib,went to the bathroom,eat and went to bed.Only to find myself to be woken by the heat of the day!I got pretty much pissed!After I went downstairs I found out that the power was out(HOW GREAT!)Soooooo I spend my time in the living room and do nothing again.

Seeeeeeeeeee?It's a big BORING

Shafs G.Camui
But I did some crazy things before this like dancing like a maniac and did a mini act for my beloved aunt,Marionette.
"The moments flies away so easily,but in those moments I still thought of you."

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