My prince in shining armour!!Bwahahaahahaha!(Not really)I guess he looks sexier without the armour ;p Along with my story,so I came and went to look for them aaaaaaaaaaand...AHA!GOTCHA!Gotta catch em' all gotta catch em' all pokemon!But better is Bishounen!!(Beautiful Men)like for example my Gackt!XDD
Anywaysss,so I found them in Aya's?class(I think,not so sure)They were using the laptop watching an anime that they like,I wasnt really interested in it mainly because there is "NO Gackt" OMGACKT!No waaaaay~But heck it was kinda cool with the fancy looking animals?
Alright back to my story(menyimpang kajap tadi),They werent exactly discussing as planned,they were rather doing something else but it was fine with me as I don't mind them doing that because they're enjoying it.The main reason they were doing that because the F**C-ing(OPPS!) internet doesnt work.One of my friends said that it was closed?blocked?got a barrier or something...Sheesh more torturing things to add at school how splendid spendet and undergarments!!!!(Doesnt really make sense roite?I know Im crazy so dont hate me!)
GACKT AISHITERU!!!(Haha!Random~)Anyways some of them got fed up of doing their business that by whatever theyre went for audition for cheerleading was it?(Dunno and dun care maaaaaaaaaaaaaaan~)Hahaha!Even if I was interested in dancing and stuff(Shake yer booty baby!)I would NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER show my booty skills to people haha!(Kana curi cia karang!Mana buleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh~)
So problem came up,It was like *TUTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT* Yupyup it was depressing..I got this weird feeling both in my head and stomach..=_______= it was somehow painful.I felt like I couldnt do anything(Nah bedrama cia)So fragile,so useless?I couldnt say anything nor could I do anything to make those tears from falling..Maybe at least wipe them away?Every word that came from me seemed like it hurted her,I felt like I was torturing her. . .My not perfect self I am just human,I tend to make numerous mistakes.Like, mistaking another woman for my mom "once upon a time" I even held her hand!OMGACKT!Thank god she didnt turn into a huge weird green looking monster like Bugzard from Cabal haha!(Online game influence much?)
Anywaaaaaay everything went fine after that..^^V YEAH!I began to sing random songs with my beautiful voice NYAHAHAHAHAHA!Joking~ ok, maybe my voice isnt that bad?X) nyaaaaaaaaaa~I sang love songs?O_____________________o WTHEAVEN?! Yes,due to my lack of communication with male species that is at the range of my age.(Owwwww..!!my head hurts a lot!Maybe it's because...too much thinking?What can I say?I have so much to think about like about my neighbour's goat,so handsome ehhh HAHAHAHA!Even a goat is handsome to me..weird..the goat mustve casted a spell on me so that I wont eat him?her?But last time the goat had a child..HAHAHAHA!But the thing is there is no male goat!Dont think of weird stuff HAHA!HAHA I say HAHA!So many many hahaha I mean a lot HAHAHA!(See?)'s already long?I talk too much but NO WORRIES LADDIES!It's almost finished heheehe~(Syukurtah Alhamdullillah!)Ok ok...enough with the goat even if he's handsome,if you want his email I can ask my neighbour!HAHAHAHAHA!Enough GOAT!!!!!!!Ok ok self I'll stop mentioning GOAT..
So my day ended kinda well..HAPPY!GAY!XDD
Okay..see?No more to say..
Shafs G.Camui
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