The one who posts these randomness!

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I am a masochist.I am also narcisstic. I love Gackt.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

My shoe got pictured

I was going with my dad to buy new school shoes earlier...I went to this beta shop..there was a pair of kinda nice shoes there but it was expensive so..dont wanna!and then went to this Indian shop..he offered me some shoes but I didnt really like dad bought what's it called again?Uhh football shoes?Dunnooooo..then suddenly..this guy wanna look at my shoes and I was like Whut?!then the other guy said..can we take a picture of your shoe?..=___________= my dad just laughed at at and asked me to take one of my shoes grabbed my right shoe and put it near the new shoes..Heck my shoe was wrecked..still,it got pictured because they want to order school shoes +______+ awfully damaged shoes well the right one..damn..Oh well..

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